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Silence Space: a Yurt at the HNE

A Silent Room at the University for Sustainable Development

As a pioneer in terms of sustainability, HNEE has the opportunity to also set important impulses in social transformation processes and to contribute to sustainable change through new ways and methods. One method for cool headed action and empowered strategies of change is to provide spaces of silence. Where cyber devices are left outside, no reading, writing, talking is happening here. This are places of being and reflection. Where Silence can be understood as an attitude and not simply as the absence of noise. We are allowed to simply BE.

 There are already places of silence at various public institutions, including Leuphana University in Lüneburg, the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies in Potsdam and at San Francisco Airport.
Surveys show high psychological stress among employees and students in the field of education - to meet the needs for decelerations, the Silence Space offers ideal conditions. In times of overwhelming facts from climate research regarding global warming and changing eco- and social systems (see IPCC Special Report 2018), we see the need to strengthen resilience and the sense of community through relation.
As many actors as possible should be involved as soon as the room is created (see below), so that a high level of identification with the project is promoted and the sense of community at the university is strengthened. This shall finally have a ripple effect on society beyond the University, too.

Jurte an der HNEE als Silence Space
Jurte an der HNEE als Silence Space


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Inhaltlich verantwortlich ist das Kollektiv der Stille (Fanny Langner und Valerie Voggenreiter)
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